My Cause UK

Help Dash Charity By Volunteering At A Music Festival!
You now have the chance to become a festival volunteer at the UK’s biggest events, while making an impact for a charity and cause that you care about!
Here’s how it works – you donate your time by volunteering at a festival, and in return, My Cause UK donates funds to our charity.
You don’t need to raise any money or make a donation yourself. You simply pay a deposit for an event, complete your shift and get your deposit back once you have completed the shift that you signed up for. My Cause UK will then donate to The Dash Charity based on the fee that they receive from the festival organisers.
What It’s Like Volunteering At A Festival
The type of work that you’ll do at each festival when volunteering may vary as it depends on the type of festival and other factors i.e. location, attendees, and so on. You may be asked to help at the entrance, assist with traffic congestion, keep certain areas clean or work in the kitchen. You may be assigned your role, you may be able to choose your role, or you may be able to rotate between positions – you’ll have to sign up and find out for yourself! While the work can sometimes be tedious, we assure you that it is not back-breaking work (we would never do that to you!), and there will always be someone in charge to guide and support you.
From there, the fun begins. Once your shift is over, to thank you for volunteering, you are granted free access to the festival and will be able to go and watch your favourite bands and DJs. Festival entrance fees can be very expensive, and volunteering allows you to save up to £280 on tickets.
Whilst things are currently on hold due to Covid-19 and festivals and large events have been cancelled, there are still plans and discussions happening in the background to make sure next year can still be a success. You could be dancing at All Points East, Lovebox, Citadel or Download Festival and more next year – how cool would that be? Watch this space for more information.
Volunteering also gives you an amazing opportunity to make friends with like-minded, kind-hearted people. Become part of an exciting volunteer community that loves to have fun whilst making a change in the world we live in.
Help The Most Vulnerable In Your Community By Volunteering At A Festival
The funds that we raise through our festival volunteers and MY Cause UK makes a massive difference to our charity.
While we do have access to some Trust funding, it does not cover all our expenses which is why our various forms of fundraising efforts are very important to us. There is sure to be a way for you to fundraise for us, no matter what your age, interest or ability is!
The funds we raise go toward things like personal items for victims in need, gifts and essentials for children in our safehouses, as well as, arbitrary day to day expenses that we encounter.
We appreciate every single one of our festival volunteers and the time and effort they put into making our community a better place. Thank you all!